All Classes and Interfaces

This is a base class for any ArmorTask, it checks every online player and handles any armor functionality.
This is the abstract super class for our auto crafters.
This is an abstract super class for machines that produce energy.
This is an abstract super class for Entity Assemblers.
This is a parent class for the BrokenSpawner and RepairedSpawner to provide some utility methods.
This class abstracts away from concrete recipes.
The AbstractTeleporterPlate is the abstract super class for our teleporter activation plates.
The AdvancedCargoOutputNode is the advanced version of the CargoOutputNode.
The AdvancedIndustrialMiner is a more advanced version of the IndustrialMiner.
An AlloyIngot is a blend of different metals and resources.
This class represents an analytics service that sends data.
The AncientAltar is a multiblock structure.
This Event is fired before an item is dropped by an AncientAltar.
This Listener is responsible for providing the core mechanics of the AncientAltar and the AncientPedestal, it also handles the crafting of items using the Altar.
The AncientAltarTask is responsible for the animation that happens when a ritual involving the AncientAltar is started.
The AncientPedestal is a part of the AncientAltar.
This Event is fired before a FarmerAndroid harvests a Block.
This enum covers all different fuel sources a ProgrammableAndroid can have.
The AndroidInterface are inventories used to interact with a ProgrammableAndroid.
This Event is fired before a MinerAndroid mines a Block.
This enum holds all the different types a ProgrammableAndroid can represent.
An AnimalProduce can be obtained via the ProduceCollector.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used in an anvil.
The ArmorAutoCrafter is an implementation of the AbstractAutoCrafter.
This class holds utilities for ArmorStand, useful for classes dealing with ArmorStands that are not from HologramsService
The ArmorTask is responsible for handling PotionEffects for Radioactive items or any SlimefunArmorPiece.
An Event that is called whenever an AutoEnchanter is enchanting an ItemStack.
This Event is fired whenever an MachineProcessor has completed a MachineOperation.
This Event is called when the PlayerProfile of a Player is loaded into memory.
A AsyncRecipeChoiceTask is an asynchronously repeating task that cycles through the different variants of Material that a RecipeChoice.MaterialChoice or Tag can represent.
The AutoAnvil is an electric machine which can repair any ItemStack using Duct tape.
The AutoBrewer machine with most if not all potion recipes.
This Listener is responsible for providing interactions to the auto crafters.
The AutoDisenchanter, in contrast to the AutoEnchanter, removes Enchantments from a given ItemStack and transfers them to a book.
An Event that is called whenever an AutoDisenchanter has disenchanted an ItemStack.
The AutoDrier is an implementation of AContainer that features recipes related to "drying out" items.
The AutoEnchanter, in contrast to the AutoDisenchanter, adds Enchantments from a given enchanted book and transfers them onto an ItemStack.
An Event that is called whenever an AutoEnchanter is trying to enchant an ItemStack.
The AutomatedPanningMachine is a MultiBlockMachine that functions as a semi-automatic version of the GoldPan and NetherGoldPan.
This Service is responsible for automatically saving Player and Block data.
This Listener is responsible for all events centered around a SlimefunBackpack.
This Service creates a Backup of your Slimefun world data on every server shutdown.
A Bandage or Rag is a medical supply which heals the Player and extinguishes fire.
The BasicCircuitBoard is a basic crafting component which can be obtained by killing an IronGolem.
The Listener for Hazmat Suit's Bee sting protection.
The BeeWings are a special form of the elytra which gives you a slow falling effect when you approach the ground.
This Listener is responsible for the slow falling effect given to the Player when nearing the ground while using the BeeWings.
This task is responsible for the repeating checks for our BeeWings.
A simple functional interface for converting a JsonElement into the desired data type needed for your BiomeMap.
BiomeMaps are used to map data values to Biome constants.
A BiomeMapException is thrown whenever a BiomeMap contains illegal, invalid or unknown values.
The BiomeMapParser allows you to parse json data into a BiomeMap.
The BirthdayCake is a seasonal item which only appears in october.
The BlockBreakHandler is called when a Block is broken which holds a SlimefunItem.
The BlockDataService is similar to the CustomItemDataService, it is responsible for storing NBT data inside a TileState.
This ItemHandler is triggered when the SlimefunItem it was assigned to is a Dispenser and was triggered.
This class is used to speed up parsing of a JsonObject that is stored at a given Location.
The BlockListener is responsible for listening to the BlockPlaceEvent and BlockBreakEvent.
This Listener is responsible for listening to any physics-based events, such as EntityChangeBlockEvent or a BlockPistonEvent.
This ItemHandler is called whenever a Block was placed.
The BlockPlacer is a machine which can place Blocks, as the name would suggest.
This Event is fired whenever a BlockPlacer wants to place a Block.
Represents Book Binder, a machine that binds multiple enchantments books into one.
This ItemHandler is triggered when the SlimefunItem it was assigned to is a SlimefunBow and an Arrow fired from this bow hit a LivingEntity.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used in a brewing stand.
This implementation of SlimefunItem represents a Broken Spawner.
This Listener handles the collection of drops from an Entity that was killed by a ButcherAndroid.
A Capacitor is an EnergyNetComponent that serves as the energy storage of an EnergyNet.
This task is run whenever a Capacitor needs to update their texture.
The CargoConnectorNode connects a CargoNode with a CargoNet.
The CargoNet is a type of Network which deals with ItemStack transportation.
This interface marks a SlimefunItem as a CargoNode.
This Listener is solely responsible for preventing Cargo Nodes from being placed on the top or bottom of a block.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used in a cartography table.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used in a Cauldron.
This is just a simple helper class to provide static methods to the Rechargeable interface.
The ChargingBench is a powered machine that can be used to charge any Rechargeable item.
This utility class contains a few static methods that are all about String manipulation or sending a String to a Player.
This is an admin-variant of the SurvivalSlimefunGuide which allows a Player to spawn in a SlimefunItem via click rather than showing their Recipe.
An old remnant of CS-CoreLib.
The ChristmasPresent is a seasonal SlimefunItem that drops a random gift when being placed down.
An old remnant of CS-CoreLib.
This is an ItemSetting that manages the efficiency of climbing a certain Material with the ClimbingPick.
The ClimbingPick launches you 1 block upwards when you right click on a ice Block.
An Event that is called whenever a Player has used a ClimbingPick on a climbable surface.
This simple ItemStack implementation allows us to obtain a colored Material.FIREWORK_STAR ItemStack quickly.
This class holds a few ordered Lists that hold colored variants of Material.
An old remnant of CS-CoreLib.
This implementation of PerformanceInspector refers to a CommandSender which is preferabbly a ConsoleCommandSender.
Represents a Contributor who contributed to a GitHub repository.
A CoolantCell is an ItemStack that is used to cool a Reactor.
The Cooler is a special variant of the SlimefunBackpack.
This Event is called whenever a Player is fed through a Cooler.
This Listener listens for a FoodLevelChangeEvent or an EntityDamageEvent for starvation damage and consumes a Juice from any Cooler that can be found in the Inventory of the given Player.
This MachineOperation represents a crafting process.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used in a crafting table.
The Crucible is a machine which turns blocks into liquids.
This Service is responsible for applying NBT data to a SlimefunItemStack.
This Service is responsible for applying custom model data to any SlimefunItemStack if a Server Owner configured Slimefun to use those.
This interface, when attached to a SlimefunItem, provides an easy method for damaging an ItemStack, see DamageableItem.damageItem(Player, ItemStack).
This Listener listens to the EntityDeathEvent to automatically create a waypoint for a Player who carries an Emergency Transmitter.
This class is responsible for debug logging.
The debug command will allow server owners to get information for us developers.
This Listener is responsible for handling our debugging tool, the debug fish.
The DietCookie gives you a PotionEffect of Type PotionEffectType.LEVITATION when consumed.
This Listener listens to the BlockDispenseEvent and calls the BlockDispenseHandler as a result of that.
Implement this interface for any SlimefunItem to prevent cargo using only its ID when comparing.
This variation of ItemSetting allows you to define an Double range and enforces this range using the DoubleRangeSetting.validateInput(Double) method.
This SlimefunItem represents an EasterEgg.
The ElectricDustWasher serves as an electrical OreWasher.
The ElectricFurnace is an electric version of the Furnace.
The ElectricGoldPan is an electric machine based on the GoldPan.
The ElectricIngotPulverizer is an implementation of AContainer that allows you to turn various Slimefun Ingots back into their dusts.
The ElectricPress is a pretty simple electrical machine.
The ElectricSmeltery is an electric version of the standard Smeltery.
An ElementalRune is a very simple and basic crafting component used to craft various magical gadgets.
The ElevatorPlate is a quick way of teleportation.
The ElytraCap negates damage taken when crashing into a wall using an elytra.
The Listener for the ElytraCap.
The EnchantedItem is an enchanted SlimefunItem.
This SlimefunItem allows you to enchant any enchantable ItemStack with a random Enchantment.
The EnderBackpack is a pretty simple SlimefunItem which opens your EnderChest upon right clicking.
EnderBoots are a pair of boots which negate damage caused by throwing an EnderPearl.
This EnergyNetComponent is a connector for the EnergyNet networks.
The EnergyNet is an implementation of Network that deals with electrical energy being sent from and to nodes.
This Interface, when attached to a class that inherits from SlimefunItem, marks the Item as an electric Block.
This enum contains the different types of components an EnergyNet can have.
An EnergyNetProvider is an extension of EnergyNetComponent which provides energy to an EnergyNet.
The EnergyRegulator is a special type of SlimefunItem which serves as the heart of every EnergyNet.
The EnhancedAutoCrafter is an implementation of the AbstractAutoCrafter.
The EnhancedFurnace is an upgraded version of a Furnace.
This Listener is responsible for enforcing the "fuel efficiency" and "fortune" policies of an EnhancedFurnace.
This is triggered when a Player interacts with an Entity.
The Listener responsible for a Player interacting with an Entity.
If this ItemHandler is added to a SlimefunItem it will listen for any EntityDeathEvent that was triggered by a Player using the SlimefunItem this EntityKillHandler was linked to.
EnumSetting<T extends Enum<T>>
This variation of ItemSetting allows you to allow Enum constants to be used for ItemSetting validation.
This class represents an ErrorReport.
The ExpCollector is a machine which picks up any nearby ExperienceOrb and produces a KnowledgeFlask.
The ExplosionsListener is a Listener which listens to any explosion events.
The ExplosiveBow is a SlimefunBow which creates a fake explosion when it hits a LivingEntity.
The ExplosivePickaxe is a pickaxe which can destroy Blocks in a size of 3 by 3.
The ExplosiveShovel works similar to the ExplosivePickaxe.
This SlimefunItem is a super class for items like the ExplosivePickaxe or ExplosiveShovel.
This Event is called when an ExplosiveTool is used to break blocks.
Implement this interface for any SlimefunItem to provide methods for external code to 'interact' with the item when placed as a block in the world.
The FarmerShoes are just a simple pair of boots which allows a Player to walk on Farmland without breaking it.
This Listener makes sure that any Firework caused by a Player unlocking a Research does not cause damage to be dealt.
This is a simple utility class for spawning random and colorful Firework rockets.
A FlexItemGroup is a ItemGroup inside the SlimefunGuide that can be completely modified.
This machine collects liquids from the World and puts them into buckets provided to the machine by using energy.
The FortuneCookie is a rather simple SlimefunItem, it's a cookie which sends the Player who ate it a random text message.
The Freezer can freeze items into its frozen state, e.g.
This MachineOperation represents the process of burning fuel.
This Listener is responsible for listening to the PlayerToggleSneakEvent to start tasks for various gadgets that are activated by pressing shift, like the Jetpack or JetBoots
The GEOMiner is an electrical machine that allows you to obtain a GEOResource.
This MachineOperation represents a GEOMiner mining a GEOResource.
A GEOResource is a virtual resource that can be thought of as world-gen.
This Event is fired whenever a GEOResource is being freshly generated.
This static setup class is used to register all default instances of GEOResource that Slimefun includes out of the box.
This Service is responsible for grabbing every Contributor to this project from GitHub and holding data associated to the project repository, such as open issues or pending pull requests.
A GlobalItemHandler is a special type of ItemHandler which is not associated with one particular SlimefunItem but rather exists seperate from them, similar to an Event Listener.
The GoldIngot from Slimefun is a simple resource which is divided into different levels of carat ratings.
A GoldPan is a SlimefunItem which allows you to obtain various resources from Gravel.
The GPSMarkerTool allows you to create a Waypoint at your current Location.
The GPSNetwork is a manager class for all Transmitters and waypoints.
The GrapplingHook is a simple SlimefunItem which allows a Player to launch towards a target destination via right click.
This Listener is responsible for the mechanics behind the GrapplingHook.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used in a cartography table.
GuideHistory represents the browsing history of a Player through the SlimefunGuide.
HardenedGlass is a special kind of block which cannot be destroyed by explosions.
This class serves as a way of checking whether a Player has changed their armor between ticks.
Represents 1 SlimefunArmorPiece of the Hazmat armor set.
This enum holds all currently used Head textures in Slimefun.
This SlimefunItem can be obtained by crafting, it's used for various foods and recipes.
The HiddenItem is a NotConfigurable SlimefunItem that is hidden from the Slimefun guide.
This ItemAttribute manages holograms.
The HologramProjector is a very simple block which allows the Player to create a floating text that is completely configurable.
This service is responsible for handling holograms.
This Listener prevents item from being transferred to and from AContainer using a hopper.
The IcyBow is a special kind of bow which slows down any LivingEntity it hits.
An IdConflictException is thrown whenever two Addons try to add a SlimefunItem with the same id.
The IgnitionChamber is used to re-ignite a Smeltery.
An IncompatibleItemHandlerException is thrown whenever a Plugin tried to add an ItemHandler to a SlimefunItem despite the SlimefunItem not allowing an ItemHandler of that type to be added.
The IndustrialMiner is a MultiBlockMachine that can mine any ores it finds in a given range underneath where it was placed.
The InfernalBonemeal is a special type of bone meal which will work on Nether Warts.
This enum holds various ways of infinite block generators.
The InfusedHopper is a special kind of Hopper which teleports any nearby Item to itself.
The InfusedMagnet is a SlimefunItem that allows a Player to automatically pick up items in a certain radius while holding shift and having an InfusedMagnet in their Inventory.
This AbstractPlayerTask is run when a Player carries an InfusedMagnet.
This enum holds every Instruction for the ProgrammableAndroid added by Slimefun itself.
This Service holds all interactions and hooks with third-party Plugins that are not necessarily a dependency or a SlimefunAddon.
This class represents the result of an interaction on an ExternallyInteractable item.
This variation of ItemSetting allows you to define an Integer range and enforces this range using the IntRangeSetting.validateInput(Integer) method.
This interface is not designed to be used by addons.
The IronGolemAssembler is an electrical machine that can automatically spawn a IronGolem if the required ingredients have been provided.
This Listener makes sure that an IronGolem cannot be healed with a SlimefunItem.
An empty interface that only serves the purpose of bundling together all interfaces of that kind.
This ItemHandler is triggered when the SlimefunItem it was assigned to has been consumed.
The ItemDropHandler is a GlobalItemHandler which listens to an Item being dropped.
Listens to the PlayerDropItemEvent to call any ItemDropHandler.
Represents an item group, which structure multiple SlimefunItem in the SlimefunGuide.
An ItemHandler represents a certain action that a SlimefunItem can perform.
This class represents the result of an interaction on an ExternallyInteractable item.
Listens to the ItemPickup events to prevent it if the item has the "no_pickup" metadata or is an ALTAR_PROBE.
This class represents a Setting for a SlimefunItem that can be modified via the Items.yml Config file.
This enum holds the different reasons as to why we may need to spawn an item.
This ItemStack, which is not intended for actual usage, caches its ItemMeta.
Defines whether a SlimefunItem is enabled, disabled or fall-back to its vanilla behavior.
This enum represents the direction of an ItemTransportFlow.
This ItemHandler is triggered when the SlimefunItem it was assigned to is right-clicked.
JetBoots allow you to hover for a bit.
JetBoots allow you to fly up into the air.
This Listener caches the armor of the player on join.
Some helper methods for dealing with Json data.
This class represents a SlimefunItem that can be stored inside of a Cooler.
The Juicer is a MultiBlockMachine which can be used to craft Juice.
The KnowledgeFlask is a magical SlimefunItem which allows you to store experience levels in a bottle when you right click.
The KnowledgeTome allows you to copy every unlocked Research from one Player to another.
This Class represents a Language that Slimefun can recognize and use.
This enum holds the different types of files each Language holds.
This enum holds info about a Language that is embedded in our resources folder.
This class represents an item with a limited number of uses.
As the name suggests, this Service is responsible for Localization.
Represents a ItemGroup that cannot be opened until the parent group(s) are fully unlocked.
LongFallBoots are a pair of boots which negate fall damage.
This utility class provides a few handy methods and constants to build the lore of any SlimefunItemStack.
The LumberAxe is a powerful tool which can chop entire trees.
This represents a MachineOperation which is handled by a MachineProcessor.
A MachineProcessor manages different MachineOperations and handles their progress.
This SlimefunItem allows you to convert any ZombieVillager to their Villager variant.
The MagicEyeOfEnder allows you to launch an EnderPearl out of thin air as long as you are wearing Ender Armor.
The MagicianTalisman is a special kind of Talisman which awards a Player with an extra Enchantment when they enchant their ItemStack.
MagicSugar is one of the oldest items in Slimefun, it is a special kind of sugar which gives you the Speed PotionEffect when right clicked.
The MakeshiftSmeltery is a simpler version of the Smeltery.
This variation of ItemSetting allows you to define a default Tag.
MeatJerky is just a piece of meat that gives some extra saturation.
An old Listener for CS-CoreLib This is an old remnant of CS-CoreLib, the last bits of the past.
This Class represents a Metrics Service that sends data to This data is used to analyse the usage of this Plugin.
The MiddleClickListener is responsible for listening to the InventoryCreativeEvent.
This Service is responsible for accessing a RecipeSnapshot.
This enum holds all versions of Minecraft that we currently support.
The MinerAndroid is a variant of the ProgrammableAndroid which is able to break blocks.
This Listener makes sure that an AndroidMineEvent gets properly propagated to the BlockBreakHandler.onAndroidBreak(AndroidMineEvent) method of a placed block.
This MachineOperation represents an operation with no inputs, only a result.
A MissingDependencyException is thrown when a SlimefunAddon tried to register Items without marking Slimefun as a dependency.
This Listener is responsible for handling any custom mob drops.
MonsterJerky is basically just Rotten Flesh but without the Hunger Effect.
A MultiBlock represents a structure build in a World.
This Event is called when a Player crafts an item using a MultiBlockMachine.
This Event is called when a Player interacts with a MultiBlock.
This ItemHandler is called whenever a Player interacts with this MultiBlock.
This Listener is responsible for listening to a PlayerInteractEvent and triggering any MultiBlockInteractionHandler.
A MultiBlockMachine is a SlimefunItem that is built in the World.
The Multimeter is used to measure charge and capacity of any EnergyNetComponent.
The MultiTool is an electric device which can mimic the behaviour of any other SlimefunItem.
The NetherGoldPan is a variant of the regular GoldPan which can be used on Soul Sand.
The NetherStarReactor is an implementation of Reactor that consumes Nether Stars and adds Withering to any nearby LivingEntity
An abstract Network class to manage networks in a stateful way
This enum holds the different types of components a Network can have.
This Listener is responsible for all updates to a Network.
The NetworkManager is responsible for holding all instances of Network and providing some utility methods that would have probably been static otherwise.
Implement this interface for any SlimefunItem to prevent that SlimefunItem from showing up in the Items.yml config file.
Implement this interface for any AContainer to prevent that AContainer from being hopperable.
Implement this interface for any SlimefunItem to prevent that SlimefunItem from being placed.
The NuclearReactor is an implementation of Reactor that uses any Radioactive material to generate energy.
This class contains various utilities related to numbers and number formatting.
The OreCrusher is a MultiBlockMachine which allows you to double ores and crush some other Materials into various resources.
The OreWasher is a special MultiBlockMachine which allows you to turn Sifted Ore into ore dusts.
OrganicFood is created using a FoodFabricator and can be used to fuel an AnimalGrowthAccelerator.
The OutputChest can be used to capture the output items from a MultiBlockMachine.
The Parachute is a SlimefunItem that can be equipped as a chestplate.
The ParachuteTask adds the entire functionality of the Parachute.
This class is created for common-use patterns used in things such as String.split(String).
This interface is used to identify someone as a PerformanceInspector.
This enum is used to quantify Slimefun's performance impact.
This Service is responsible for handling the Permission of a SlimefunItem.
The PersonalActivationPlate is a teleporter activation plate to which only the Player who placed it down has access.
This Service is responsible for disabling a SlimefunItem in a certain World.
The PickaxeOfContainment is a Pickaxe that allows you to break Spawners.
The PickaxeOfTheSeeker will make you face the nearest ore upon right clicking.
The PickaxeOfVeinMining is a powerful tool which allows you to mine an entire vein of ores at once.
This interface, when attached to a SlimefunItem, provides a variable (0-100%) chance for a SlimefunItem to be dropped by a Piglin on EntityDropItemEvent.
This Listener prevents a Piglin from bartering with a SlimefunItem.
DO NOT IMPLEMENT THIS INTERFACE This is implemented by every SlimefunItem by default.
This class represents the instance of a SlimefunBackpack that is ready to be opened.
The data which backs PlayerProfile This API is still experimental, it may change without notice.
This Event gets called when a Player has switched their Language.
This implementation of PerformanceInspector refers to a Player.
This Event is called whenever a Player clicks to unlock a Research.
A class that can store a Player's Research progress for caching purposes.
This Listener removes a PlayerProfile from memory if the corresponding Player has left the Server or was kicked.
A PlayerResearchTask is run when a Player unlocks a Research.
The PlayerRightClickEvent is our custom version of the PlayerInteractEvent.
The PortableCrafter is one of the oldest items in Slimefun.
The PortableDustbin is one of the oldest items in Slimefun.
This item allows a Player to access and teleport to his waypoints from anywhere.
A PrematureCodeException is thrown when a SlimefunAddon tried to access Slimefun code before Slimefun was enabled.
The ProduceCollector allows you to collect produce from animals.
Represents the ProtectionType that a ProtectiveArmor prevents the damage from.
Implement this interface to a SlimefunArmorPiece to protect the Player who wears that SlimefunArmorPiece from ProtectionType damage.
The RadiationDamageEvent is called when a player takes radiation damage.
An enum of potential radiation symptoms.
The RadiationTask handles radioactivity for Radioactive items.
This class is a basic wrapper around the status effect.
This Interface, when attached to a class that inherits from SlimefunItem, marks the Item as radioactive.
A quick and easy implementation of SlimefunItem that also implements the interface Radioactive.
This enum holds all available levels of Radioactivity.
RadioactivityListener handles radioactivity level resets on death
Represents a SlimefunArmorPiece with rainbow properties (leather armor changing color).
The RainbowArmorTask is responsible for handling the change in color of any Rainbow Armor piece.
A RainbowBlock cycles through different colored Materials.
This is a BlockTicker that is exclusively used for Rainbow blocks.
This interface, when attached to a SlimefunItem, provides an easy method for adding a % chance to drop for an SlimefunItem on EntityDeathEvent, this chance is 0-100 and used in conjunction with the RecipeType.MOB_DROP.
The abstract Reactor class is very similar to AGenerator but is exclusively used for Reactors.
The ReactorAccessPort is a block which acts as an interface between a Reactor and a CargoNet.
The ReactorExplodeEvent is called whenever a reactor explodes.
This enum holds the various modes a Reactor can operate as.
A Rechargeable SlimefunItem can hold energy and is able to be recharged using a ChargingBench.
This interface, when attache to a SlimefunItem class will make additional items appear in the SlimefunGuide.
A RepairedSpawner is the repaired variant of a BrokenSpawner.
Represents a research, which is bound to one SlimefunItem or more and requires XP levels to unlock said item(s).
This static setup class is used to register all default implementations of Research on startup.
This Event is called whenever a Player unlocks a Research.
The ResourceManager is responsible for registering and managing a GEOResource.
This class represents a SlimefunBackpack that has been restored via /sf backpack for retrieving items if the original has been lost.
A Script represents runnable code for a ProgrammableAndroid.
Represents a ItemGroup that is only displayed in the Guide during a specified Month.
The SeismicAxe is an interesting weapon.
This Listener is responsible for removing every FallingBlock that was created using a SeismicAxe.
The SharedActivationPlate is a teleporter activation plate to which everyone has access.
This simple implementation of BlockBreakHandler will execute the same code for when the Block is broken by a Player, by a MinerAndroid or an explosion.
This is basically a quickstart class for your very first SlimefunItem.
This is the main class of Slimefun.
This is a very basic interface that will be used to identify the Plugin that registered a SlimefunItem.
The SlimefunArmorTask is responsible for handling SlimefunArmorPiece
This extension of the AbstractAutoCrafter allows you to implement any RecipeType.
This class represents a SlimefunItem that is considered a Backpack.
This Event is fired whenever a SlimefunItem placed as a Block in the world is broken.
This Event is fired whenever a SlimefunItem is placed as a Block in the world.
This Listener is responsible for handling all boots provided by Slimefun, such as the StomperBoots or any SlimefunArmorPiece that is a pair of boots and needs to listen to an EntityDamageEvent.
This class represents a SlimefunItem that is a Bow.
This Listener is responsible for tracking Arrows fired from a SlimefunBow.
This enum represents the branch this Slimefun build is on.
This CommandExecutor holds the functionality of our /slimefun command.
This is a static utility class that provides convenient access to the methods of SlimefunGuideImplementation that abstracts away the actual implementation.
This interface is used for the different implementations that add behaviour to the SlimefunGuide.
This is just a helper ItemStack class for the SlimefunGuide ItemStack.
This enum holds the different designs a SlimefunGuide can have.
This Event is called whenever a Player tries to open the Slimefun Guide book.
This interface represents an option in the SlimefunGuide.
This static utility class offers various methods that provide access to the Settings menu of our SlimefunGuide.
A SlimefunItem is a custom item registered by a SlimefunAddon.
This Listener is responsible for handling the ItemConsumptionHandler for any SlimefunItem.
This Listener is responsible for calling the WeaponUseHandler.
This Listener listens to the PlayerInteractEvent.
This Event is fired after Slimefun finishes loading the SlimefunItem registry.
This class holds a static references to every SlimefunItemStack found in Slimefun.
This class holds the recipes of all items.
This Event is fired whenever slimefun drops an ItemStack.
The SlimefunItemStack functions as the base for any SlimefunItem.
This is an abstract parent class of LocalizationService.
The SlimefunProfiler works closely to the TickerTask and is responsible for monitoring that task.
This class houses a lot of instances of Map and List that hold various mappings and collections related to SlimefunItem.
This Task initializes all items, some listeners and various other stuff.
This class holds the implementations of every SubCommand.
This enum contains various implementations of the Tag interface.
This utility class holds method that are directly linked to Slimefun.
The SmeltersPickaxe automatically smelts any ore you mine.
The Smeltery is an upgraded version of the MakeshiftSmeltery with the additional capabilities to create AlloyIngots and utilise an IgnitionChamber.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used in a smithing table.
The SolarGenerator is a simple EnergyNetProvider which generates energy if it has direct contact with sunlight.
The SolarHelmet can be worn by Player.
The SolarHelmetTask is responsible for handling SolarHelmet for generating power and adding checks for if it has sunlight and if the player is actually wearing it.
This Interface, when attached to a class that inherits from SlimefunItem, marks the Item as soulbound.
This implementation of SlimefunBackpack is also Soulbound.
Represents an Item that will not drop upon death.
This Listener is responsible for handling any Soulbound items.
This SlimefunItem allows you to convert any ItemStack into a SoulboundItem.
This structure class holds configured values for a SoundEffect.
This enum holds references to all our sounds.
The SoundService is responsible for our sound management.
A very simple API that is meant for adding/getting/clearing custom status effects to/from players.
The SteelThruster is a pretty basic crafting component.
The Boots of the Stomper are boots which damage nearby enemies whenever the Player takes fall damage.
The Storage interface is the abstract layer on top of our storage backends.
This SlimefunItem casts a LightningStrike where you are pointing.
This SlimefunItem can only be obtained via bartering with a Piglin, its only current uses is the recipe for crafting the VillagerRune.
This class represents a SubCommand, it is a Command that starts with /sf ... and is followed by the name of this SubCommand.
The SubItemGroup is a child ItemGroup of the NestedItemGroup.
Holds the different types of ordering for summaries.
The SurvivalSlimefunGuide is the standard version of our SlimefunGuide.
The SwordOfBeheading is a special kind of sword which allows you to obtain Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper and Piglin skulls when killing the respective Monster.
The SyntheticEmerald is an almost normal emerald.
The TableSaw is an implementation of a MultiBlockMachine that allows you to turn Logs into Wooden Planks.
An TagMisconfigurationException is thrown whenever a SlimefunTag contains illegal, invalid or unknown values.
The TagParser is responsible for parsing a JSON input into a SlimefunTag.
This PlayerEvent is called when a Player activates a Talisman
This class is an extension of ItemSetting that holds an Enchantment and a level.
This Listener is responsible for handling any Event that is required for activating a Talisman.
The TapeMeasure is used to measure the distance between two Blocks.
The TeleportationManager handles the process of teleportation for a Player who is using a Teleporter.
The Teleporter is a SlimefunItem that can be placed down and allows a Player to display to any of his waypoints he set via his GPSNetwork.
This Listener is responsible for the Teleporter (and ElevatorPlate).
The TeleporterPylon is a special kind of RainbowBlock which is required for the Teleporter.
The TelepositionScroll is a magical SlimefunItem that makes nearby any LivingEntity turn around by 180 degrees.
Test cases in Slimefun.
A simple enum to define the direction of text for a given LanguagePreset
The TickerTask is responsible for ticking every BlockTicker, synchronous or not.
This ItemHandler is called when a Block is broken with a SlimefunItem as its tool.
The TrashCan is a simple container which simply voids all items that enter it.
The TreeGrowthAccelerator is an electrical machine that works similar to the CropGrowthAccelerator but boosts the growth of nearby trees.
This a enum evaluating and indicating a DamageableItem 's chance to be damaged depending if it is a tool or an armor
This is a simple SlimefunItem implementation which implements the NotPlaceable attribute and also cancels any PlayerRightClickEvent.
An UnregisteredItemException is thrown whenever a Plugin tried to access a method prematurely from SlimefunItem that can only be called after the SlimefunItem was registered.
This Class represents our PluginUpdater Service.
The VampireBlade is a weapon that applies a Healing effect to any Player who damages another LivingEntity with this sword.
The VanillaAutoCrafter is an implementation of the AbstractAutoCrafter.
This is an implementation of BlockBreakHandler which is suited for any SlimefunItem that uses the vanilla Inventory from the BlockState.
Represents a vanilla item that is overridden by Slimefun (like ELYTRA).
This SlimefunItem allows you to reset a Villager profession.
This Listener prevents any SlimefunItem from being used to trade with Villagers, with one exception being SyntheticEmerald.
The WaterStaff is a magical SlimefunItem.
A Waypoint represents a named Location that was created by a Player.
A WaypointCreateEvent is called when a Player creates a new waypoint.
This is triggered when a Player attacks an Entity.
The WindStaff is a powerful staff which launches the Player forward when right clicked.
The WitherAssembler is an electrical machine that can automatically spawn a Wither if the required ingredients have been provided.
This Listener is responsible for implementing the functionality of blocks that were marked as WitherProof to not be destroyed by a Wither.
This Interface, when attached to a class that inherits from SlimefunItem, marks the Item as "Wither-Proof".
A quick and easy implementation of SlimefunItem that also implements the interface WitherProof.
A WrongItemStackException is thrown when someone tries to alter an ItemStack but actually wanted to alter a different one.