All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEnergyProvider, AbstractGrowthAccelerator, AContainer, AGenerator, AnimalGrowthAccelerator, AutoAnvil, AutoBreeder, AutoBrewer, AutoDisenchanter, AutoDrier, AutoEnchanter, BioGenerator, BookBinder, ButcherAndroid, CarbonPress, ChargingBench, CoalGenerator, CombustionGenerator, CropGrowthAccelerator, ElectricDustWasher, ElectricFurnace, ElectricGoldPan, ElectricIngotFactory, ElectricIngotPulverizer, ElectricOreGrinder, ElectricPress, ElectricSmeltery, ElectrifiedCrucible, ExpCollector, FarmerAndroid, FishermanAndroid, FluidPump, FoodComposter, FoodFabricator, Freezer, GEOMiner, HeatedPressureChamber, LavaGenerator, MagnesiumGenerator, MinerAndroid, NetherStarReactor, NuclearReactor, OilPump, ProduceCollector, ProgrammableAndroid, Reactor, Refinery, TrashCan, TreeGrowthAccelerator, WoodcutterAndroid

public interface InventoryBlock
This interface is not designed to be used by addons. The entire inventory system will be replaced eventually.
  • Method Details

    • getInputSlots

      int[] getInputSlots()
      This method returns an Array of slots that serve as the input for the Inventory of this block.
      The input slots for the Inventory of this block
    • getOutputSlots

      int[] getOutputSlots()
      This method returns an Array of slots that serve as the output for the Inventory of this block.
      The output slots for the Inventory of this block
    • createPreset

      default void createPreset(SlimefunItem item, Consumer<BlockMenuPreset> setup)
    • createPreset

      default void createPreset(SlimefunItem item, String title, Consumer<BlockMenuPreset> setup)