Interface RecipeDisplayItem

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEnergyProvider, AdvancedIndustrialMiner, AGenerator, ArmorForge, AutoDrier, AutomatedPanningMachine, BioGenerator, ButcherAndroid, CarbonPress, ClimbingPick, CoalGenerator, CombustionGenerator, Composter, Compressor, Crucible, ElectricGoldPan, ElectricIngotFactory, ElectricIngotPulverizer, ElectricOreGrinder, ElectricPress, EnhancedCraftingTable, FarmerAndroid, FishermanAndroid, FoodComposter, Freezer, GEOMiner, GoldPan, GrindStone, IndustrialMiner, Juicer, LavaGenerator, MagicWorkbench, MagnesiumGenerator, MakeshiftSmeltery, MinerAndroid, MultiBlockMachine, NetherGoldPan, NetherStarReactor, NuclearReactor, OilPump, OreCrusher, OreWasher, PressureChamber, ProduceCollector, ProgrammableAndroid, Reactor, Refinery, Smeltery, TableSaw, WoodcutterAndroid

public interface RecipeDisplayItem extends ItemAttribute
This interface, when attache to a SlimefunItem class will make additional items appear in the SlimefunGuide. These additional items can be used represent recipes or resources that are associated with this SlimefunItem. You can find a few examples below.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayRecipes

      @Nonnull List<ItemStack> getDisplayRecipes()
      This is the list of items to display alongside this SlimefunItem. Note that these items will be filled in from top to bottom first. So if you want it to express a recipe, add your input ItemStack and then your output ItemStack.
      The recipes to display in the SlimefunGuide
    • getLabelLocalPath

      @Nonnull default String getLabelLocalPath()
    • getRecipeSectionLabel

      @Nonnull default String getRecipeSectionLabel(@Nonnull Player p)