All Packages

Package Summary
This package contains a bunch of classes and sub-packages related to the interaction with Slimefun via an API.
This package contains all extensions of Event that Slimefun provides and allows you to listen to.
This package contains all different extensions of Exception that Slimefun uses internally.
This package contains classes that are centered around the GEOResource API.
This package stores classes of the API that are related to the GPSNetwork.
This package contains a few classes that revolve around the API for SlimefunItem, such as ItemSetting
This package contains a few ItemGroup variations.
This package contains various sub classes of ItemSetting.
This package provides the API infrastructure for networks, such as the Cargo- or Energy net.
This package stores API-related classes that are related to a Player, such as the PlayerProfile for example.
This package contains all classes related to our recipe system.
This package holds everything connected to the Research class.
This package holds the core systems of Slimefun, these are not necessarily used as an API but rather provide the core functionality of this Plugin.
This package contains all variations of ItemAttribute that can be assigned to a SlimefunItem
This package contains the various possible InteractionResults that can be returned by an ExternallyInteractable object.
This package contains everything related to Slimefun's ingame command.
This package holds all implementations of SubCommand.
This package holds the debug functionality of Slimefun, these can be used as addons but are mostly just going to be used by Slimefun itself.
This package contains the core system for the SlimefunGuide.
This package contains the Settings menu for the SlimefunGuide as well as the interface SlimefunGuideOption for adding your own options
This package contains all variations of ItemHandler that can be assigned to a SlimefunItem
This package contains sources related to the MachineProcessor and any MachineOperation.
This package holds all core mechanics related to a MultiBlock, like that class itself.
This package provides the core functionality for the Network class, such as the NetworkManager and also the subpackages for actual implementations of the Network class.
This package holds an implementation of Network that is responsible for item transportation.
This package holds an implementation of Network that is responsible for transmitting energy.
This package provides a few "Services" that Slimefun uses.
This package contains everything related to GitHub and contributors.
This package contains everything related to the HologramsService.
This package contains everything related to translations and localization.
This package holds classes related to the SlimefunProfiler.
This package holds the different implementations of PerformanceInspector.
This package holds classes related to the SoundService.
This package holds all classes that are related to the actual implementation of this plugin.
This package provides the different implementations of our SlimefunGuide
This package holds simple implementations of ItemHandler.
This package contains the different classes for each SlimefunItem
This package holds the SlimefunItem implementations related to the AncientAltar.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are related to the ProgrammableAndroid.
This package contains implementations of SlimefunItem that are related to armor, such as the expandable SlimefunArmorPiece class for example.
This package contains any electric machines related to automatic crafting tables.
This package holds classes related to SlimefunBackpack.
This package contains a few miscellaneous implementations of SlimefunItem which are blocks.
This package provides the different implementations of SlimefunItem that are related to the CargoNet, most notably: Cargo Nodes.
This package contains the different implementations of SlimefunItem that also implement the interface EnergyNetComponent
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are used in combination with electricity, like the Multimeter or the SolarHelmet
This package contains the different implementations of AGenerator.
This package contains the different implementations of SlimefunItem that are also an EnergyNetComponent with the type CONSUMER.
This package contains any electric machines related to growth accelerations.
This package contains any electric machines related to enchanting.
This package contains any electric machines related to Entity interactions, most notably the AbstractEntityAssembler.
This package contains the different implementations of Reactor.
This package holds the ElevatorPlate and any related classes to making the elevator work.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are related to food.
This package holds implementations of any SlimefunItem that deals with the GEOResource API.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are related to the GPSNetwork.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are considered magical items.
This package holds any implementation of SlimefunItem that is an ancient rune with functionality.
This package holds any implementation of SlimefunItem that is considered a "Magical Staff".
This package holds any SlimefunItem related to the Talisman.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are related to healing yourself.
This package holds any miscellaneous SlimefunItem implementations.
This package contains all the different implementations of MultiBlockMachine
This package holds classes associated with the IndustrialMiner.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that can be encountered in a SeasonalItemGroup.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are related to the Teleporter.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are tools.
This package holds implementations of SlimefunItem that are weapons, implementations of SlimefunBow for example.
This package contains all implementations of Listener that Slimefun uses.
This package holds every Listener which is responsible for preventing that a SlimefunItem is used in an unallowed crafting operation
This package contains any Listener from Slimefun which is related to an Entity.
This package contains implementations of MachineOperation.
This package contains all implementations of GEOResource.
This package holds implementations of ItemSetting that are for very specific SlimefunItems and generally not very useful out of their context.
In this package we initialize our items, researches and stuff.
This package contains several tasks that Slimefun runs regularly.
This package holds classes which are related to integrations between Slimefun and Third-Party plugins.
This package contains some utility classes that offer handy ways to do stuff.
This package contains classes centered around our BiomeMap utility.
This package contains some utility classes that revolve around the creation or handling of an ItemStack.
This package holds utilities related to the SlimefunTag enum.
These are the old packages, the remnants of past versions that have not been rewritten yet.
Old CS-CoreLib 1.X code.
Old Slimefun 4.0 code.